It’s been two years since I first began (hopefully) entertaining you here on Snapshot Chronicles with my ramblings on travel, photography, birds, gender, politics, science fiction, dogs and entertainment.
Hopefully, in the sense that I truly hope you enjoy the posts here, which tend to be a little lighter than on my serious marketing blog. Except when I talk gender and politics.
Hopefully, in the sense that I try to look at the glass half full, even though sometimes — especially lately — it has been difficult.
The economy has hit my marketing & social media consulting practice pretty hard, to the point that I am now also applying for full-time positions as well as prospecting for new projects. Projects aren’t closing as quickly as they used to, and when they do, budgets are smaller. It didn’t help that one client last year and one this year didn’t pay their consulting fee, and we are still chasing them.
It also is increasingly hard for a sole practitioner to compete with agencies, no matter how good my advice or knowledge may be. I’m not whining (well, okay, maybe a little). I love what I do, and plan to keep doing it. The form in which I do just may be a little different.
Finally, hopefully, in that I hope you’ll keep joining me here for my sporadic and sometimes spastic ruminations.

PS – The bird the other day that we thought might be a Baltimore Oriole was an Eastern Towhee, but I did catch a glimpse of a female Oriole Thursday morning. We also saw (and heard) a Gray Catbird.