If you’ve read the comments to my previous post about my Scottie Sabrina, you know we had to put her to sleep this morning. And it was hard. It was also the right thing to do.
I thank you all for your emails, comments, twitters, phone calls, everything.
The mail came shortly after we got home. There was a package from a woman who used to work for me at SurfControl.
She saw this pin, thought of me, and wrote a truly lovely note about her fond memories of working on my team. She had no way of knowing what was going on with us and the dog. She just did it, because…
Timing is everything in life. The pin and the note cheered me up on a truly horrible day.
For ever after, this pin will be my Sabrina Scottie Angel.
Thanks Maria.
motherofbun says
I am so sorry to hear this. I’ve been thinking of you and Sabrina quite a bit ever since I first read your blog.
My heart is with you.
Average Jane says
So sorry about Sabrina, but what a lovely and timely gift to receive.