Last Sunday, we made the hard call and said good-bye to our dear sweet boy, Cash.

Cash was one of the most beautiful Scotties I’ve ever had. His head was perfect, and his body was totally in proportion, just on the slightly smaller side. But his real super-power was that he was the nicest dog you would ever meet. Everyone loved him. Immediately.

And he liked everyone, but he adored my mom. When he was born, I wanted him to be her dog, but it didn’t work out that way, right away. But when we all moved in together in 2012, he adopted her as his special person. If you were looking for Cash, just find Sandy. He was meant to be her dog and he knew it.

His partner in crime for more than 8 years was Penny (Ch. Blueberry’s Copper for a Kiss, at left in picture below.) She’s missing him quite a lot right now, but slowly getting back to herself.

In the end, we had almost 2 more years with him than we expected. He was very ill in June 2017, with fluid around his heart and an apparent slow bleed, and was sent home from the hospital for “quality time.” He had a few illnesses over the almost two years, but each time, miraculously he bounced back. This last time, though, there was so much going on in his poor body, that the hard call was the only call. So we said goodbye and sent him home to be with his mother, Reva.
See you at the Rainbow Bridge, buddy. We miss you.