Finally caught the male cardinal posing.
Perhaps this is the reason we haven’t seen any hummingbirds yet?
Susan Getgood's personal blog
by Susan Getgood //
by Susan Getgood //
No, for once I am NOT talking about Twitter. Since I got my new telephoto lens (and refilled the bird feeders), I have been obsessed with the bird activity in the backyard.
Yes, I am most definitely a backyard birder. I have a bird book and binoculars. And the new camera lens. But I don’t venture much past my yard.
But in addition to the usual cardinals, chickadees, robins and blue jays, here’s what I’ve seen in my yard just over the past few days:
Tufted Titmouse
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
A woodpecker that I am still trying to ID I think this may be a female Red Bellied Woodpecker
Some sparrows with yellow heads, also still trying to id. We think these are Chipping Sparrows
[tags] birds, birding [/tags]
by Susan Getgood //